Tuesday, 13 December 2022


 Oh my soul! Have you not heard? Do you not see? The Lord is in control. Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? (Ps 42:5). Hope in god! BE STILL! That’s what our Lord said to his disciples. When they were excited and extremely happy after the ministry with miracles and wonders, the Lord said: “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” (Mk 6:31) He told them to BE STILL! When the same disciples were afraid of death by drowning in the sea he told the sea and the storm to be calm (Mk 4:39) and told the disciples once again BE STILL!  

Why do you try to take hold of his place in your life? Do you want to repeat the same mistake of Adam and Eve? Do not worry about knowing everything. BE STILL and you will know it better. Don’t you see the Lord who made you knows what is the best for you? He knows the right time for you to give you all you need.

Do you think of your free will? Yeah! It is a gift that you have received from God. But it can’t give you everything, rather offer it to God freely so that he can guide your free will to His will which is the best option for you! That would be the wise choice you can make with your free will. BE STILL! Let him take control or better He is in control, so don’t worry. In fact, only by BEing STILL you can find him better. The Lord was not in the wind, the Lord was not in the earthquake, the Lord was not in the fire but the Lord spoke in silence (1 Kings 19:11-13). Only in silence you can find Him and hear Him. For that silence you need to BE STILL! Learn to BE STILL you can find God’s will!

He repeats you once again: “BE STILL and know that I am God” 

(Ps 46:10)

Thank you my friend and sister Vicky Liok for the spark of the Lord which has ignited the fire of the Holy Spirit to write this reflection!